Monday, June 4, 2012

Green (with Envy) Thumb

So here’s the thing: I’m bad at plants.

And this just isn’t fair, because my mom is Miss Green Thumb. I’ve watched her transform many a yard from overgrown or bare into flourishing Edens. That shit should be passed on genetically, so you don’t end up with desk plants that look like this.

So this spring I planted a garden in an attempt to ameliorate my reputation as a gardener. With the help of my darling younger sister, we weeded and churned mulch into a plot of dirt. We saw worms and spiders and bugs, oh my! And at day's end, we had planted rows of carrots, radishes and green onions and sprinkled in a few basil plants and pinwheel daisies too.

In our gardening hats, channeling the energy of all the gardeners who came before us. 
From there I couldn’t stop. I pruned the dead jasmine plant. I watered like a madwoman. I even got a new succulent for my desk. (It’s still alive too!)

My vegetable garden has sprouted up, and I can’t wait to harvest the goods into a delicious salad at summer’s end. Pictures and salad recipe to come!

The garden bed, post-weeding. 
Carrots sprouting up. 
Baby radishes!

If you’re considering planting a garden and you have more patience than I do (you probably do), I’d recommend starting your seeds in little cups and then transferring them to your plot; I lost some seeds due to unforeseen spring rains. And for you city-dwellers who may not have a patch to churn, potted plants are festive and just as rewarding! These ones from The Proper Pinwheel are next on my DIY list. Check ‘em out, my fellow agriculturists! 

If you need me, I'll be reading BH&G in the gazebo. 

1 comment:

  1. How fun to plant a garden! I wish I had an outdoor space to do this!
